Case Study /

Joseph Lowe Building

Joseph Lowe Building - Brunel University

Formerly home to the Universities Estates Maintenance department, the Joseph Lowe Building has undergone refurbishment to become the new home to the Civil Engineering Research Centre. This facility sits within the College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, and contains a state-of-the-art concrete and mortar preparation area, as well as a chemical projects laboratory.

The new facility aims to provide research and encourage students to develop a greener and more sustainable approach to the production of concrete and mortar, a building material dating back 200 years.

Palcon Energy Services Ltd was asked to provide the new building management system to sit alongside the buildings new purpose. The new Trend based system provides automation and control of the high specification Nederman Dust Extraction system and bespoke air intake equipment fitted serving the 5 laboratories and research areas, including the use of fume cupboards in the Chemical Project Laboratory.

A new dedicated Form 2 control panel fitted in a public access section of the building, comprises a secure glass door covering the power section of the panel allows visual access to the indicator lamps, whilst leaving control switches tamper proof. It also features the new Trend IQ4 series controllers, the first of which to be used on the campus.

Integrated with local fan convector units, Mitsubishi comfort cooling units in critical areas, and monitoring of leak detection systems throughout, the new system provides complete control of the building.

Connected to the site wide Ethernet infrastructure, the new system based on Trend IQ3XCITE series controllers will allow for increased monitoring of critical systems and temperatures.

Contract Details

Market Sector:- Research
Client:- Ambivent Ltd
Contract Type:- Building Refurbishment
Contract Value:- £75k
Completed:- October 2015


• Extensive structural refurbishment
• New home for Civil Engineering Research Centre
• High specification Nederman Dust Extraction system

System Details

• Core system based on Trend IQ4e Range
• Form 2 Control Panel with secure glass door
• Monitored by 963 Supervisor

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